It's one of those rare cloudy, rainy days here and I honestly just want nothing more than to snuggle up and take a nap all day today so forgive me if my email is found lacking...
But this week was nuts!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I say that every week... but this past week takes the cake. I won't even be able to put into words all the nonsense that went down so I'll just focus on some cool miracles, how about that? :)
We got to go to the temple as a zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Our quarterly trip to the temple :') Leading up to it there were so many little things that came up... Satan will do just about anything to keep ya from the temple. But we went, and my goodness I just want to live there. We had an informal zone photo shoot (of course) afterwards so enjoy the pics :)
I'm completely drawing a blank on the rest of this week but we've been working hard and having fun, I promise :) I might have already shared this quote our zone leader shared, but this week I have again found that it is so dang true. "A frog is only happy when it's a frog. It's not happy being a bunny. Children of God are happy when they are being children of God. And missionaries are happy when we are missionaries. We are happiest when we are striving to be what we were put on this earth to be."
Oh! fun fact of the day!!!!!! This is a week of birthdays :D This Wednesday "The Family: A Proclamation" to the world is turning 20!!!! WOOHOOOO!!! As a missionary, I have seen just how inspired that document truly is. There are so many families here that are just falling apart and it just breaks my hear to see kids and good people getting dragged through the mud because of misunderstandings, hatred, and all kinds of dumb stuff. My favorite part of the proclamation is this:
"THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. "
A to the MEN! I am so glad to have been born 3 days after the leaders of this church felt inspired to release this document. I would be no where without my family. My family isn't perfect (sorry mom :P) but I am so grateful for my parents efforts to have a Christ-centered home built on good morals and love :) Happy Birthday to the most inspired document ever written on the most inspired social unit ever created!
I love you all!!!!
Love your family a little more this week, especially on Wednesday!
Thanks for everything :)
Hermana Lund
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