

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week 72

Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! THIS WEEK!

For starters... Monday was monday. We had an awesome FHE with one of our families. Apparently Mexicans have this game that's SUPER similar to the German chocolate game (minus all the hats and gloves and stuff cuz it's Arizona..) so we talked about life being a time to experience joy and we played the game and laughed til we were blue in the face. So fun. And so nice to see our family smiling :')

Tuesday... My boston driving got me in trouble and I merged into a service truck that had a little steel box sticking out that just ATE up the whole left side of our car... I think Heavenly Father wanted to keep me humble. It worked... Rolling up to all meetings with our nasty car. Yup. Keepin my humble for sure :) "What happened to your car????" ".... me?" But what would my last week in the mission field be without estimates and insurance people and reports and bleh? Gotta go out with a bang :)

Wednesday... Hna Jimenez came back!!!!!!!!!! :') We found out later that she totally snuck out of the mission home with an older missionary couple and President had no idea.. Hahah little sneak. She was going crazy. She's been walking around like she's pregnant, with her stomach all sensitive and she's still on her liquids diet but she's pulling through like a champ!

Thursday... Lots of service! I got to visit my very first mission apartment again :) Their lease is up and so we helped the sisters move out and clean and whatnot. We found lots of random things from my time there and way before. It was a wonderfully poetic trip down memory lane.

Friday... Ward Family History Activity. Totally flopped, 2 people actually came but that gave us lots of time to work on our own family history!! So much fun!! I love it!

Saturday... Planning. A couple of awesome lessons. A stellar dinner with a member equipped with Chewy Bars for dessert :)

Sunday... I don't even know how to put into words the kind of blessings we've been receiving!!!! For starters, we had EIGHT investigators come to church yesterday :) SEVEN of those have a baptismal date for August! And THEN!!! To top it all off... Obispo came up to us yesterday and said, "there's a guy who just moved here from Texas. He's gotten all the lessons, even passed the baptismal interview, and all that's left is for him to get baptized!!!!!!!!!!" We got in touch with him and his missionaries from Texas. Apparently he got all the lessons in Puerto Rico, moved to Florida, got an interview, had to move to Texas, got another interview, moved to another part of Texas, got another interview, and now he's in Arizona for a month! WAAAAAAAAH! We have a lesson with him tonight but we're still just in shock!

This week, my testimony of the power of the Plan of Salvation has been infinitely strengthened. Hna J's dad passed away 7 years ago, yesterday. We got to teach the plan of salvation to one of our families and she testified of the sealing powers of temples. I am grateful for my own beautiful family and for the chance we have to be together forever and for the one who makes it all possible. "Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth... Wherefore how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth..." (2 Nephi 2:6,8). I cherish the time I have to make these things known unto the inhabitants of man as a full-time missionary and then as an unofficial full-time missionary :)

Thank you for all the love and support!
Aprovechen esta semana como hare yo!
Hermana Lund

1. The office says they fix any damage bigger than a coin.... Well...
2. She's back and happier than ever! Also, they asked us to take out all our stuff from the cupboard to fumigate cuz of the cockroach problem and then they never did. We've been living in a room full of
the healthiest food :)
3. Dessert :)
4. Rusty's trick of the week: drinking a whole cup of soda

1. Raspados con Billy :)

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